Lille billede

Cloister buildings

In Laurids de Thura's ownership years from 1750-1755 he wasted no time. He removed the stepped gables and built the entire complex externally in a pure and prominent baroque style - as it appears today. The current window placement, the internal room division, and, in part, also the décor, with painted wallpapers, are largely his work. So too is the beautiful port through the south wing. The "King's Residence" in the north wing, which was established on the construction of the abbey, was also renovated and made part of the house.

Certain remnants and written sources would indicate that, in the Catholic era, there were open arcades internally facing the courtyard and an external gallery in the south wing.  They were probably torn down in this period.

All external walls, however, are from the monastery years - with the exception of necessary repairs made.

On the main road is the abbey's old mill, which was operational until the early 20th century. The mill's blades were positioned in the sign of a cross in honour of Christian Michael Rottbøll, who was killed during World War II in the fight for freedom. He was the uncle of the current owner, who represents the 6th generation of Rottbølls, who, with his family, owns, lives in and cares for Børglum Abbey for future generations. 

On the north side of the hill where the mill is situated, which is a burial mound, you will find St. Bodil's sacred spring. In "the Old Forge" up by the highway, you will find a funny little restaurant.
